Secondary School
Junior Secondary Phase – Grade 8 and Grade 9
Senior Secondary Phase – Grade 10 through to Grade 12
Secondary School
Entering Secondary School is often seen as the final chapter of one’s schooling and although exciting, there can be many mixed emotions. In addition to pupils having to adjust to the increased workload, there is the pressure of developing into young mature adults, equipped to thrive in this ever-changing fast-paced world in which we live. Tomorrow’s leaders are faced with having to compete on a global scale. At Shangri-La Academy, our aim is to provide all pupils with the skills necessary to not only compete, but to excel.
In order to achieve this, we ensure that we remain topical with all developments in education and provide pupils with the solid entrepreneurial and technological skills that they require. In addition, emphasis is placed on self-development, so that each pupil can take their rightful place in society and play a contributing role in developing our world.
Our Secondary School comprises of two phases:
- Junior Secondary Phase – Grade 8 and Grade 9
- Senior Secondary Phase – Grade 10 through to Grade 12
Junior Secondary Phase – Grade 8 and Grade 9
The Junior Secondary Phase curriculum focuses on the following learning areas:
- English (Home Language)
- Afrikaans (First Additional Language)
- Mathematics
- Natural Science
- Technology
- History
- Geography
- Economic Management Sciences
- Life Orientation
- Computer Literacy for Grade 8 pupils
- Dramatic Arts for Grade 9 pupils
During the course of one’s Grade 9-year, pupils are required to select their elective subjects for Grade 10 through to Grade 12. To assist pupils and to provide as much guidance and support as possible, individual one-on-one meetings are held with each pupil, along with their parents to discuss the various elective subjects, based on each pupil’s strengths and talents, as well as what they wish to do upon Matriculating. These meetings, together with continuous discussions and dialogue between all parties: the Academy, the pupils and parents, enables each pupil to confidently select the appropriate subjects.
Senior Secondary Phase – Grade 10 through to Grade 12
Pupils in this phase, namely the Further Education & Training Certificate phase, are required to complete seven subjects in order to Matriculate.
The following four subjects are compulsory:
- English (Home Language)
- Afrikaans (First Additional Language)
- Mathematics or Mathematics Literacy
- Life Orientation
Pupils are required to select three of the following elective subjects:
- Accounting
- Business Studies
- Computer Applications Technology
- Information Technology (IT)
- Dramatic Arts
- Geography
- History
- Life Science
- Physical Science
Grade 12 pupils write the Examination of the Independent Examination Board (IEB), which is globally recognised. Owing to our high standards for quality education, we are proud to boast that we have achieved a 100% pass rate year-on-year since inception, with many of our pupils excelling in their tertiary studies.
Throughout the entire Academy, a strong focus is placed on pupils having an in-depth understanding of the various lessons. Pupils are therefore encouraged to explore and examine the subject material, ask questions, share and discuss ideas etc. as opposed to merely memorizing class notes. This practical experience, combined with classroom and textbook teaching, ensures that each pupil has a solid understanding of the various concepts and theories, while making learning interesting and fun.
Science and Biology laboratories
To ensure effective teaching and learning in the fields of Science and Biology, the Academy offers permanent, fully functional and operational laboratories.
The laboratories enable pupils to gain first-hand knowledge through handling, observing and experimenting with the actual materials and chemicals as well as fostering stronger interactions amongst their peers, promoting camaraderie and lifelong friendships as they work together.
Computer Centres
The Academy boasts two Computer Centres, one catering for the Foundation Phase and Senior Preparatory School and the other Centre for the Secondary School.
The Secondary School Computer Centre is set-up to provide the ideal venue to teach Computer Applications Technology (CAT) which forms part of the IEB Matriculation curriculum as well as various other Information Technology (IT) programmes offered in the Secondary School.
The Centre hosts:
- 27 fully equipped network stations
- Fast speed internet connectivity
- Mono and colour printers
- Digital projector for instructional purposes
Sports and Culture
Pupils are encouraged to take part in the various Sporting and Cultural Activities that the Academy offers, adding to the many benefits associated with extra mural activities. Benefits include the physical and health aspects, increased confidence and leadership skills, as well as a healthy understanding of competition and true sportsmanship.
Over the years, our pupils have and continue to achieve numerous awards and accolades in their respective activities, with the Academy taking part in a number of inter-school tournaments. Our pupils excel year-after-year at the Eisteddfods in both English and Afrikaans, receiving a number of Prestige and Gold certificates in the various categories.
Extra-Curricular Activities offered by the Academy include:
- Athletics (comprising of both field and track events)
- Cricket
- Softball
- Netball
- Hockey
- Golf
- Squash
- Soccer (6 a-side and 11 a-side soccer)
- Cross-Country
- Tennis
- Rugby
- Coding and Robotics (offered to pupils in the Senior Secondary Phase)
- Chess
- Choir
- Eisteddfod (English and Afrikaans categories)
- General Knowledge Quizzes
We invite all prospective parents and pupils to come and experience our Academy first-hand. To book a guided tour of our Academy, simply contact our Admissions Office on +27 (0) 11 391 – 1419 or +27 (0) 11 972 – 8327,
We encourage prospective parents to enrol their children as soon as possible, owing to limited space. If there is no available space, your child’s name will be added to the existing waiting lists and prospective parents will be notified should a space become available.
To inquire about space availability for a particular grade, simply contact our Admissions Office on 27 (0) 11 391 – 1419 or +27 (0) 11 972 – 8327 or alternatively,